- Date: 1862/07/01
- Recipient: Samuels, Henry J.
- Transcript: HJ Samuels Adjt Genl Wheeling July 1 1862. By Telegraph from Charleston 1 1862. Who am I to regard as having the command of the Company of the eleventh Va regt Known as Youngs Company? Young or Brooks? It is necessary that some one should command & but one officer can be allowed please inform JAJ Lightburn Col Comdg 4th Brigade 47D131pd
- Sender: Lightburn, Joseph Andrew Jackson
- Identifier: ptp_0671
- Sender Location: Charleston, (West) Virginia
- Recipient Location: Wheeling, (West) Virginia
- Box: 9
- Folder: 35
- Item: 09-531
- Image Filename: ptp_0671.jpg