- Date: 1861/10/25
- Recipient: Pierpont, Francis H.
- Transcript: Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Oct 25 1861. By Telegraph from Huttinville 25 1861. In accordance with the request of Genl Kelly I have ordered Capt Daums battery to Grafton he left yesterday morning & is probably at Grafton this evening. Capt Daum in deficient two Lieuts & having every confidence in the Captain I respectfully recommend that you commission the Gentlemen whose names he will submit. [page 2] JJ Reynolds, Brig Genl 53D164pd
- Sender: Reynolds, Joseph J.
- Identifier: ptp_0436
- Sender Location: Huttonsville, (West) Virginia
- Recipient Location: Wheeling, (West) Virginia
- Box: 9
- Folder: 22
- Item: 09-332
- Image Filename: ptp_0436.jpg