• 1861/10/11
  • Pierpont, Francis H.
  • FH Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Governor Wheeling Oct 11 1861. By Telegraph from Wirt CH 1861. I have just seen a dispatch to Capt Hill from Genl Rosecrans ordering him to report his Company at Clarksburg immediately which created considerable uneasiness among us in our present [page 2] threatened condition as it would leave us without protection the most of our Home Guard have volunteered in his Company. the secesh are collecting in considerable bodies around us & threatening an attack upon us. Can the order of Genl Rosecrans be countermanded until Capt Hill place be supplied by other troops yours respy JA Williamson 8492/12pd
  • Williamson, J. A.

  • ptp_0393
  • Elizabeth, (West) Virginia
  • Wheeling, (West) Virginia
  • 9
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  • 09-299
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