- Date: 1861/08/22
- Recipient: Pierpont, Francis H.
- Transcript: Hon F.H. Peirpont [Francis H. Pierpont] Gov of Va Wheeling Aug 22 186. By Telegraph from Headquarters dist Kanawha Gauley 22 186. I desire to recommend as officers for the thirteenth 13th Va Infantry Capt Wm R. Brown Fourth Va Infantry for Col. James R. Hall of Point Pleasant for Lieut Col. Calvin A Shepard as Major & Lieut CB Blake D.A. Russell and S. Stewart as Capts these are good men [page 2] I dislike to take them from the fourth 4th but for the benefit of the service I recommend them Wm S Hutchins is wanted as adjt J. A. J. Lightburn Col Cmdg District 76D233pd
- Sender: Lightburn, Joseph Andrew Jackson
- Identifier: ptp_0203
- Sender Location: Gauley Bridge, (West) Virginia
- Recipient Location: Wheeling, (West) Virginia
- Box: 9
- Folder: 09
- Item: 09-139
- Image Filename: ptp_0203.jpg