- Date: 1861/08/21
- Recipient: Oakes, James
- Transcript: Maj James Oakes or Gov F.H. Peirpont [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Aug 21 1861. By Telegraph from Pomeroy " " 1861. Vances company is not complete if you will send clothing camp equipage & guns for eighty three 83 it can be in a few days. The cavalry company is short ten 10 men can you send this equipment for seventy nine 79 & it will be complete in several days. R.C.M. Lovell 47W151&218Col
- Sender: Lovell, R. C. M.
- Identifier: ptp_0197
- Sender Location: Pomeroy, Ohio
- Recipient Location: Wheeling, (West) Virginia
- Box: 9
- Folder: 09
- Item: 09-134
- Image Filename: ptp_0197.jpg