- Date: 1861/08/07
- Recipient: Pierpont, Francis H.
- Transcript: His Excy Gov of Virginia Wheeling Aug 7 1861. By Telegraph from Grafton . 1 1861. Are there any troops at Camp Carlile except Capt. Britts Company when does their term of service expire two prisoners sent to Camp Carlile today whose names you will find written on an envelope containing papers in charge of the officer commanding guards & addressed to you are arrested for firing on our pickets they are bad men & require strict watch to prevent their escape [page 2] Gen Kelley health is improving Geo H Crosman AA Gen 71gr218pd
- Sender: Crosman, George H., Jr.
- Identifier: ptp_0152
- Sender Location: Grafton, (West) Virginia
- Recipient Location: Wheeling, (West) Virginia
- Box: 9
- Folder: 07
- Item: 09-103
- Image Filename: ptp_0152.jpg